This digital wallpaper and smartphone home screen, titled "Forgotten," captures the haunting desolation of a once-thriving small town. The two-lane road, now dried and cracked, stretches through the heart of the town, bearing silent witness to the passage of time. Buildings line the street, their windows shattered and facades crumbling, hinting at the life that once filled them.
The lawns, once lush and vibrant with the laughter of children, are now overgrown with weeds and scattered with dirt. Abandoned playgrounds and rusting bicycles lie forgotten, adding to the eerie stillness of the scene. The sky above is a muted gray, casting a somber light over the entire town, emphasizing its abandonment.
Every detail in the artwork—from the cracked pavement to the encroaching vegetation—contributes to the overall sense of neglect and melancholy. "Forgotten" poignantly depicts the decay of a community that time has left behind, evoking a sense of both nostalgia and loss.